WSMS Calendar of Events 2023
Regular events
Sat., Feb 25 International Plastic Modelers Society (IPMS) Old Dominion Open
Model Show, Richmond, VA
Sat, April 15 National Capital Model Soldier Society Model Classic 2023
Fairfax High School, Fairfax, VA
Mon, May 22 National Maritime Day celebrated in Baltimore
Typically includes a Blue Angels flyover and open houses aboard
the USNS Savannah and liberty ship SS John W. Brown
Fri-Sun, June 16-18 35th Annual Antique and Classic Boat Festival,
Chesapeake Maritime Museum, St Michaels, MD
August Philadelphia Model Ship Society Modelcon, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
aboard USS new Jersey, Camden, NJ
Wed-Sat, Aug 2-5 International Plastic Modelers Society National Convention,
San Marcos, TX. Info:
Sat, Sept 2 Charity Boat Auction, 11:00 am Chesapeake Maritime Museum,
St Michaels, MD
September Internat'l Plastic Modelers Society, PennCon Model Show, 9-5 pm
Gettysburg, PA
Sat, Sept National Capital Model Soldier Society Show, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Springfield, VA Hilton. For info:
October Evening cocktail reception and show, 6-8 pm Army-Navy Club,
Washington, DC.--Lou Husser making arrangements
Fri-Sun, Oct 27-29 Sultana Downrigging Weekend, show: 10m - 4 pm,
Chestertown, MD. Info:
Sat, November 10th Annual Model Boat Show, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Oxford Community Center, Oxford, MD
Sun, May National Maritime Day celebrated in Baltimore harbor--
open house on NS Savannah and liberty ship John W. Brown
Blue Angels flight demonstration